Caring for Lens
For the continued safe and comfortable use of your lenses, it is important to follow the instructions given to you by your Eye Care Practitioner.Failure to follow the correct lens care regime may result in the development of serious eye problems.
Cleaning and rinsing are essential to remove mucus, secretions, and deposits which may have accumulated during use. Do this immediately after removing your lenses and prior to disinfection.
Harmful germs can only be removed by cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting.
*Use fresh, unexpired lens care solutions.
*Never use solutions recommended for conventional hard lenses only.
*Never put your lenses in your mouth or use anything other than the recommended solutions for lubricating or wetting your lenses.
*Never rinse them in tap water, since this can contain many impurities that can contaminate or damage your lenses and may lead to eye infection or injury.
*Put each lens into the correct chamber of the lens storage system and make sure they are completely immersed in the storage solution when they are not being worn. If lenses left out for long periods, they may dry out and become brittle.
*Seek the advice of your Eye Care Practitioner if your lenses are to be stored for extended periods.
*Since lens cases can be a source of bacteria, after use they should be emptied, cleaned and rinsed with recommended sterile solutions and allowed to air dry.
*Your lens case should also be replaced regularly, as advised by the lens case manufacturer or your Eye care Practitioner.
*Never use tap water to rinse your lens case.
*Don’t sleep in them
*If you go swimming take them out because the chemicals in a pool are rough on non prescription contact lenses.
Cleaning of Lens
Normal saline: Rinses
Cleaner: Cleans
Multipurpose solution: Disinfects, Removes proteins, Stores, Cleans, Retains moisture.
Follow the steps below:
Before put your lens on,
1. Rinse your lens with a multi-purpose or saline solution.
2. Place the lens in your eyes.
After take your lens out,
1. Drop 3 drops of cleaner and rub gently.
2. Rinse your lens with multi-purpose or saline solution.
3. Store in lens case filled with multipurpose solution.
The lenses should not be stored for more than 7 days, have to re-disinfect by changing the multipurpose solution before the next use.
Preparing of Insertion of Lens
*Always wash your hands thoroughly with a mild soap, rinse carefully and dry before touching your lenses.*Do not use oil-based cosmetics, soaps containing cold cream, lotions or creams before handling your lenses. It is vest to insert your lenses before putting on make-up
*Keep your eyes closed when using hairspray or other aerosols.
*Seek professional advice about wearing lenses during sporting activities.
*Always follow the instructions in this leaflet and any advice given to you by your Eye Care Practitioner for the correct handling, insertion, removal, cleaning, disinfecting, storing and use of your lenses.
*Never wear lenses longer than the period prescribed.
*Do not use the lens if the sterile package has been opened or the tamper evident seal is damaged.
*Use finger tips to handle lens (avoid finger nails and sharp objects)
How to Insert Your Lens
Before inserting the lens, check to see it is free of any nicks or tears. If it appears damaged, throw it away. Check the lens has not turned inside out. Place the lens on the tip of your forefinger and hold above eye level; you are looking at the bowl of the lens from the outside
1. Place the wet, clean "right" lens on the tip of the index or middle finger of your dominant hand (if you're right-handed this would be your right hand), and pull down the lower lid with the middle finger of the same hand. Use your other hand to hold the upper lid firmly open.

2. Look directly at the lens or look directly into a mirror and place the lens directly on the cornea (the large colored circle in the center of your eye).

3. Gently release both lids and blink. If there are any air bubbles beneath the lens, close your eye, and with the eye closed, roll the eye gently. Another way of getting rid of air bubbles is to massage the lids very lightly. Under no condition, however, should your rub your eyes.

Usually, the lens centers itself automatically on the middle of your eye when you insert it and will very rarely be displaced on to the white of your eye during wear. However, this can occur if insertion and removal are not performed properly.
To center a lens, follow either of these methods.Close your eyelids and gently massage the lens into place through the closed lid.
Or, gently manipulate the off-centered lens onto the middle of your eye while the eye is opened, using finger pressure on the edge of the upper or lower lid.
If your vision is blurred after inserting the lens, check for the following; The lens may not be centered on the eye. Check the instructions above.
If the lens is in the correct position, remove it and look for the following;
a. Cosmetics or oils on the lens. Remove it and wear again.
b. The lens may be on the wrong eye.
c. The lens may be inside out, which would also make it less
comfortable than normal.
Removing the Lens
Look up. With middle finger, hold down lower lid. Use forefinger to slide lens to lower part of eye. Pinch lens with thumb and forefinger and remove without excessively folding the lens.

Cosmetic Tips
Being a contact lens wearer does not mean giving up wearing eye make-up.*Make-up should be applied after lens insertion. Lenses should be removed before removing make-up
*A fast-drying, fiber free mascara is recommended
*Eye shadow in cream form or as a compact powder has been shown to be the best type for lens wearers
*Liquid eye-liner can lead to some tinting of soft contact lenses
*Eye-color pencil should not be applied directly on edge of lower eyelid – better to apply on edge of lower eyelash
*For removal of eye make-up, it is best to use a rich eye make-up remover or water-soluble cleaning emulsions
*Hand creams, sunscreens and nail polish remover should not be allowed to come into direct contact with the lenses; they can penetrate the lens
*Care should be used when applying deodorant spray, hair spray, perfume, etc. Aerosols should be avoided when lens case or lens care bottles are standing open. Eyes should be closed when spraying!
*In an incident: Contamination from cosmetics should be treated with contact lens cleaning solutions only
Posted by Charlene on 29 May 2008 @,.
27 comments on "How to take care of lens"
Are the Normal saline, Cleaner, Multipurpose solution included with a pair of lenses?
Dear Chiv, i'm very sorry that i just saw your comment. The cleaning solutions are not included. TQ! =)
Just a quick question, what do you use to clean the inside of the lens case?
Hi dear, clean with soap. =)
When you order lenses do they come with a case?
Yes dear. Free lens case for every single pair.
So do we have to buy the right products to clean and rinse it? we cant use tap water or any water at home from the sink? What are the effects if we do use tap water?
What products do I use to clean it? Sorry this is my first time, so i would like information about it. Is there a specific name when buying the products? or can be any type of cleaning product for contacts?
so with these contact lenses you have to take them off before you sleep??
Hi dear, you can use any daily cleaner/ multipurpose solution recommended by your eye doctor/ optometrist. You definitely can not use tap water, it might contain germs that can cause serious eye infection.
I use Alcon multipurpose solution, Bausch & lomb daily cleaner. You can use normal saline of any brands. ^^
Hi dear, you can not sleep in contact lenses. It is a big No No. ^^
Wondering a few things... As I can see from your order form, your contacts are prescribed, but are they good for those with astigmatism? How many sets of contacts come in a package? How long can I keep the contacts for? I've read in various places that even with proper care, circle lens are dangerous. Is that true? Thanks!
Hi dear, if you have astigmatism, you need special order of toric lens. They are sold in pairs (2 separate vials). These yearly lenses can generally keep for 3 years if unopened, you can refer to the expiry date printed on the label. If you find a good one, circle lenses are very safe, just like regular contact lens.
Do you do special orders for toric lens??
I'm sorry Sashipi, we don't accept toric lens special order. =)
hi, how often do you need to change the lens cases and can you buy new ones cheap? thanks
Dear Brianna,
Lens cases should be replaced every 3 months. it is $1.00 each. You can the get free one from me when you order lenses. Thank you =)
Hiii.. lens are great. i was just wondering when do i have to replace them ? and how long i can wear them?
Dear anonymous,
All the lenses here are yearly disposable & should only be worn not more than 6-8 hours per day. =)
What would happen if lenses were worn for more than 6-8 hours per day ?
Nami : it is not recommended to wear more than 6-8 hours for your eye';s health. more debris will accumulated on the lens surface, it will cause your eyes to feel dry and discomfort.
kiddie: what if you were in class and let's say it was boring and you took a short nap! i know your eye will go dry with the lens inside.. is that a big problem? i believe i slept in class before and my eyes have gone dry but i had a lens cleaners for contacts with me when my eyes went dry! is that ok!
i have blue circle lenses i dont wear them that much at all maybe once a month i would. so when do i know when to clean them ? or can i just leave them in the case with the solution ?
Kiddie: You can buy rewetting drops for contact lens, it can refresh the lenses and alleviate dryness of eyes.
Anonymous: You can't leave the lenses in case without changing the solution. You have to re-disinfect by changing the multipurpose solution every 7 days.
I looked up a few multipurpose and i came across the Clean Care
I saw your process after taking the lens off after use
After take your lens out,
1. Drop 3 drops of cleaner and rub gently.
2. Rinse your lens with multi-purpose or saline solution.
3. Store in lens case filled with multipurpose solution.
well is it possible to use the clean care for the whole process?
Because at the moment I haven't used the lenses and they are still new and in their orginal containers containing buffered saline solution from saturday so i was wondering if i should get the clean care
can the lenses be stored for more than 7 days even if they have not been opened?
Raymond: Do you mean the daily cleaner? You should get daily cleaner, it removes proteins and debris from the lenses. =)
Anonymous: It will be more hygienic f you change the solution every 7 days to prevent growth of harmful germs.
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